星期六去超市買菜的途中,在車上聽到電台播放這首歌,一聽就被吸引住了。有點滄桑的男聲反覆唱著「it hurts」和「if I could do it again, I would do it again」,聽起來充滿悔恨的情緒,應該是一首描述失戀心情的感傷情歌。

記住了歌名和演唱者,一個叫做SomeKindaWonderful〈我聽到的是「Some Kind of Wonderful」〉的美國搖滾樂團演唱的《Reverse》,回到家就上網找歌。Spotify上有這首歌,YouTube上也有官方版的MV。

聽了幾次這首歌,並且讀了歌詞,才知道這個因為外遇而導致分手的故事是倒敘的,所以歌名才叫做《Reverse》〈倒轉〉。副歌的部分,當我讀到「Girl, it hurts too much to bare. But I'm tantalized by their legs and long hair. But if I could do it again, I would do it again」時,我嚇了一跳。歌詞的意思是:「親愛的,儘管分手很痛苦,可是女人就是這麼令人迷醉,如果有同樣的機會的話,我還是會再搞一夜情的」嗎???這樣的歌詞也太誠實了吧?!江山易改,本性難移,會劈腿的人就是會劈腿,不管跟誰在一起都一樣,這我是相信的,可是在剛分手的情人面前如此開誠布公也未免太狠了吧?像在傷口上灑鹽。


打算翻譯歌詞,因此不得不更仔細地推敲詞意。再看了幾次,我突然領悟到那幾句重複的「if I could do it again, I would do it again」應該要和最後的「Could I get a do-over? Baby」連在一起看,他是在懇求女友重修舊好才對〈大概副歌的部分也是倒敘的,本來就應該從「Could I get a do-over?」讀起〉。這樣就很合情合理了,果然是一首悔不當初的失戀歌曲。



SomeKindaWonderful - Reverse (Lyric Video)


written by Jordan Towers, Matthew Gibson, Benjamin Schigel

She hung the phone up and said "Fuck you! It's over"
Sorry but this is the end
I said "Don't trip, it was just a harmless sleepover"
See, we was just making friends
She said "then what were you doing there at 4 in the morning?"
You told me you were at home
I started with "darling please listen"
And then I picked up my phone, yeah

I tell my story in REVERSE 'cause it hurts
Girl it hurts too much to bare
But I'm tantalized by their legs and long hair
But if I could do it again
I would do it again
If I could do it again
I would do it again
If I could do it again
Probably do it again
Could I get a do-over? Baby
Ooo hooo, hey!
Ooo hooo

I plugged my phone in as I backed out the driveway,
Then I started my car
Slipped out the door after I crept through her hallway
She left it slightly ajar, yeah
Threw on my kicks my socks my jeans and my t-shirt
Then threw my hat on my head
I did it quiet so that I wouldn't wake her
Woke up in another girl's bed, yo

I tell my story in REVERSE 'cause it hurts
Girl it hurts too much to bare
But I'm tantalized by their legs & long hair
But if I could do it again
I would do it again
If I could do it again
I would do it again
If I could do it again
Probably do it again
Could I get a do-over? Over
Ooo hooo, hey!
Ooo hooo, hey!

I told my story in REVERSE 'cause it hurts
Girl it hurts too much to bare
But I'm tantalized by their legs & long hair
But if I could do it again
I would do it again
If I could do it again
I would do it again
If I could do it again
Probably do it again
Could I get a do-over? Over!
Yeaa, oooh

I told my story in REVERSE cause it hurts
Girl it hurts too much to bare
But I'm tantalized by their legs and long hair
But if I could do it again
I would do it again
If I could do it again
I would do it again
If I could do it again
I would do it again
Could I get a do-over?
It's over!


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